Click for a bigger picture of the old logo


My website was primarily used to demonstrate my projects to find my internship and graduation internship. In the meantime, it had not yet been adequately designed. After my graduation, it was time to change this. I needed to find out how I would want to present myself and what kind of experience I wanted to give to visitors on my website.

To accomplish this change I needed to design my new logo (make it less aggressive looking and more timeless), my styleguide (make it have more body and variation while remaining recognizable as my style) and my business card.

Naturally, I started with my logo as this would determine the rest of the style.

Click for a bigger picture of the old logo Click for a bigger picture of the logo process Click for a bigger picture of the logo process Click for a bigger picture of the logo process Click for a bigger picture of the new final logo

Logo process

I already had a logo. However, this logo seemed too aggressive, reminded some people of a basketball team, and was a little outdated overall.

I needed to redesign my logo, but I wanted to have the same foundation. The logo had to look like a 'C' for my first name and like a lion for my last name. Unlucky for me there are a lot of brands with a lion in the logo. Because of this, I wanted to research these logo's to make a logo that would be different from the rest.

With the other logos as a reminder of what not to do, I started sketching a lot of different variants with pen and paper. I did around 5 sketches per iteration. The one I was most confident with, I created digitally in Illustrator as seen above until I found the one I was proud of.

Click for a bigger picture of the business card process Click for a bigger picture of the business card process Click for a bigger picture of the business card process Click for a bigger picture of the business card process Click for a bigger picture of the business card process Click for a bigger picture of the final business card

Business card process

As seen above I already started working on my business card with the old logo as a placeholder for the new logo. The design choices I made during the making of the new logo were now used for the creation of the business card.

As seen above there were a lot of elements. Some went through different iterations (e.g., UI/UX DESIGNER), and some were left out entirely (e.g., QR-CODE).

In the end, the result is a clear business card with only the essential information.